Zoofufu ABC Blocks OG Edition

We just let them jump out of 'blocks'!


What better way is there for your favorite little ones to learn their ABCs than by matching animals with their oft-associated alphabets?

Your little ones will spell out words and learn about these beautiful creatures even before they learn how to walk! Oh, wouldn't that be something? : )

We grew up with animals all around us on a daily basis: dogs, bunnies, cats, owls, turtles, snails, frogs, etc so we've long been fascinated with the adorable nature of animals: it’s quite wondrous how different they are, compared to us humans, in every way imaginable. It’s quite natural for us to develop an animal-themed project that's not only educational but also super fun!  

Much like our own personalities and creative processes, we dig designs that are 'interesting' and unique, even a bit quirky.

Other than collecting toys made of various materials, be it wood, sofubi vinyl, or die-cast, we also love to browse antique stores and flea markets to look for vintage toys/parts that could foster inspiration or be of actual usage for repairing or building something new out of old parts. M has thus accumulated a good size collection of early vintage wooden ABC blocks.

Years ago on one sunny Sunday afternoon, a thought came to us: why are all ABC blocks, whether made of wood or fabric, JUST cubic blocks with ABC, 123 and images printed or carved onto them? Couldn't there be something MORE that can make these simple, basic blocks more interesting?

We thought: what if we can think outside of the 'cube' and come up with ABC blocks that are more imaginative and fun to play with?

In 'traditional' ABC posters, the alphabets and their corresponding animals are SEPARATE. In Zoofufu, text and imagery are one. We're one.

Our idea is to combine both elements as a whole, to create Tofufu's own unique ABC creatures. In other words, Zoofufu is an interesting and engaging illustrated methodology for learning words through fun and whimsical illustrations.

By incorporating the colorful shapes of animals into blocks and linking the respective alphabets into their names, it's easier for children to associate images and words on multiple levels, thus encouraging their creative thinking, increasing their chance of learning and remembering the alphabets and animals, and inspiring interesting stories that parents may tell their children as they show them the ABC Zoofufu animals. 

Learn ABCs with our beautifully-illustrated and oh-so-cute-n-colorful characters which would be a lovely addition in any room: Turn a room into a Zoofufu! 


Suiboku Kaiju


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